Table of Contents
1Basic Steps for Customizing Oracle Forms for Oracle Applications
The basic steps to
be followed to customize Oracle Forms for Oracle Applications
- Obtain the TEMPLATE.fmb form from $AU_TOP/forms/US directory from the server and place the form in the PLSQLLIB directory of the local machine.
- Obtain the APPSTAND.fmb form from $AU_TOP/forms/US directory from the server and place the form in the PLSQLLIB directory of the local machine.
- Obtain the Oracle libraries (PLL file extension) attached to the TEMPLATE.fmb form from the directory $AU_TOP/resource and place the libraries also in the PLSQLLIB directory of the local machine.
- Create a copy of the TEMPLATE.fmb and put the new copy in a working directory and rename the file to a customized name as per the standards.TIP: As a recommended standard the file name would always be 8 characters long with the first three characters would be the short name of the application where the form is registered and the next two characters would be a sub module name and the last three characters would be a short brief name of the customization.
- Open the new form in Oracle Forms Developer, the form should open in the Forms Developer without any errors.NOTE: The errors that might arise are due to the libraries and the APPSTAND.fmb form and the other Form Libraries (Refer Appendix A for the list of Form libraries) not present in the PLSQLLIB directory.
- Rename the Module Name to a customized name; the usual convention is renaming the module name to the file name of the form itself.
- Rename the Window Name of the form, from BLOCKNAME to the an appropriate window name according to the Window naming standards
- Change the Window Title, the title can be changed in the properties sheet of the Window.
- Rename the Canvas name of the form, from BLOCKNAME to an appropriate name according to the Canvas naming standards.CHECK: Ensure that the view name of the canvas in the WINDOW property of the form is also reflecting the canvas name that has been changed.
- lThe *.fmb would contain a master block ’BLOCKNAME’ and a detail block ‘DETAILBLOCK’. Give appropriate names to the same depending upon the customization (whether it is a master/detail block or tabular form or data entry form) and discard the blocks which is not required.
- Rename the Block Name of TEMPLATE.fmb from BLOCKNAME or DETAILBLOCK to an appropriate name.CHECK: Ensure that the first navigational block in the MODULE property of the form is also reflecting the block name that has been changed.
- Change the code in APP_CUSTOM package, change the window name in the APP_WINDOW.CLOSE_FIRST_WINDOWWARNING: Ignoring this step results in the window not closing when the window is tried closing by clicking the X symbol or trying to close the window from FILE → CLOSE FORM menu option or by pressing F4.
- Change the code in the PRE-FORM trigger, change the Window name from BLOCKNAME to the Window Name in APP_WINDOW. SET_WINDOW_POSITION call.WARNING: Ignoring this step results in a Developer Error message popping up saying that invalid window name passed to the form while opening the form every time.
- Change the arguments that have been passed to the FND_STANDARD.FORM_INFO call in the PRE-FORM trigger. Ensure that the application short name, form description and the version arguments are changed.WARNING: This step is important, as FORM_INFO call informs the Oracle Applications Help utility to look for the help files in the appropriate custom application.NOTE: The version that has been mentioned in the FORM_INFO call would be displayed in the when the Help → About Oracle Applications menu option is selected.TIP: Ensure that the every version change of the form has a log of changes in the PRE-FORM trigger itself.
- Change argument in the FDRCSID call in the WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE trigger with the appropriate form name, form version, etc.
- Compile the form, copy the *.fmb file to the $PROD_TOP/US/forms directory and generate the *.fmx file in the same directory using “f60gen”, where the PROD_TOP is the custom Application top directory.
- Register the Form, in Oracle Applications, open the Forms Registration window (Navigational path : Oracle Applications → Responsibility: Application Developer→ Application → Form) and enter the Form name, Application name and the User form name.
NOTE: The Form name is the file name of the form, and the Application name is the custom application where the executable of the form is kept.
- Register the Form function, in Oracle Applications, open the Functions Registration window (Navigational path : Oracle Applications → Responsibility: Application Developer→ Application → Function) and enter the Function name, the User Function name, the Form type as FORM and the User form name as the name given in the previous step.TIP: The function name is usually kept as the “<PROD>_<FORMNAME>” where PROD is the custom application short name and FORMNAME is the name of the form file.NOTE: There is a provision for entering parameters that can be passed to the form. Please refer the below section for using for form functions.
- Add the Form function to a menu, in Oracle Applications, open the Menus window (Navigational path : Oracle Applications → Responsibility: System Administrator→ Application → Menu) , query the menu where the form should appear and add the User form function name to the menu in the detail block.
2Developing Stacked Canvas Form
stacked canvas is extension of content canvas which can be display or
hide information dynamically. A stacked canvas is displayed at top on
the content canvas Stacked canvases obscure some part of the
underlying content canvas and often are shown and hidden
programmatically. You can display more than one stacked canvas in a
window at the same time.
main advantage of stacked canvas
- Scrolling views as generated by Oracle Designer.
- To extend the size of the content canvas. To understand better please consider the below example. If you want to create a form with 50 columns and 50 rows if you place all 50 columns in content canvas you have to scroll the complete form to see the 50th column. Instead of that if you create a stacked canvas with say for 30 columns out of 50 then you need not scroll the complete form you can scroll the stacked canvas part so that the remaining 20 columns will remain constant.
- Creating an overlay effect within a single window.
- Displaying headers with constant information such as company name.
- Creating a cascading or a revealing effect within a single window.
- Displaying additional information.
- Displaying information conditionally
- Hiding information
size of a stacked canvas is smaller than the window it is displayed
in, because the stacked canvases are used to cover up only part of
the content canvas in the window. If it is not smaller than the
existing canvas, then the stacked canvas will completely obscure the
content canvas, which defeats the purpose of having an alternate
view. A stacked canvas will remain in view until it is explicitly
dismissed or replaced by another canvas.
A common error that can occur is that stacked canvases
can disappear at unfortunate times. This is usually related to the
automatic re-ordering that Forms uses to display the active item. In
this case, something that has to be displayed in order to show the
active item has overlapped the stacked canvas and caused it to be
pushed farther down in the stack of displayed canvases.
Stacked Canvas Specific Properties
Stacked Canvas Specific Properties
to Create a Stacked Canvas in the Object Navigator
- Click the Canvases node in the Object Navigator.
- Click the Create icon.
- A new canvas entry displays with a default name of CANVASXX.
- If the Property Palette is not already displayed, click the new canvas entry and select Tools—>Property Palette.
- Set the Canvas Type property to Stacked. Additionally, set the properties that are described in the above table according to your requirements.
Note: To convert an existing content canvas to a
stacked canvas, change its Canvas Type property value from Content to
Stacked. In order for the stacked canvas to display properly, make
sure that its position in the stacking order places it in front of
the content canvas assigned to the same window. The stacking order of
canvases is defined by the sequence in which they appear in the
Object Navigator.
to Create a Stacked Canvas in the Layout Editor
- In the Object Navigator, double-click the object icon for the content canvas on which you wish to create a stacked canvas. Or Create Stacked Canvas First then import Stacked Canvas View port on Main Content Canvas through ViewStacked ViewImport.
The Layout Editor
- Click the Stacked Canvas tool in the toolbar
- Adjust the stacked canvas view port according to requirement.
- Open the Property Palette of the stacked canvas. Set the canvas properties according to your requirements (described earlier in the lesson).
data block using the wizard ‘emp_table’
and design its layout on the Stack Canvas and inherit
subclass information for the block and items created.
- Assign Block Property Subclass information as BLOCK
- Assign Item Property Subclass information as required ex: Text ItemText-item
Adjust the viewport
and the canvas as required in the stack canvas.
Stacked Canvases in the Layout Editor
You can display a stacked canvas as it sits over the
content canvas in the Layout Editor. Check the display position of
stacked canvases by doing the following:
- Select View—>Stacked Views in the Layout Editor. The Stacked/Tab Canvases dialog box is displayed, with a list of all the stacked canvases assigned to the same window as the current content canvas.
- Select the stacked canvases you want to display in the Layout Editor.
Note: [Control] + Click to clear a stacked
canvas that was previously selected.
you can See the stack canvas on the content canvas.
To set the location where to display the stack canvas ON
the content canvas Adjust the X and Y co-ordinate property of the
stacked canvas or simply drag the stack canvas to the desired
Scroll bar on Stacked Canvas: Stacked
Canvas PropertyAssign
“Yes” For Horizontal Scroll Bar.
3Developing Tabbed Canvas Form
Tab canvas
is a special type of canvas that enables you to organize and
display related information on separate tabs. Like stacked canvases,
tab canvases are displayed on top of a content canvas.
A tab page is a sub object of a tab
canvas. Each tab canvas is made up of one or more tab pages. A tab
page displays a subset of the information in the entire tab canvas.
Each tab page has a labeled tab that end users can click to access
information on the page.
Each tab page occupies an equal amount of space on the
tab canvas.
and Benefits of Tab Canvases
• Create an overlay effect within a single window.
• Display large amounts of information on a single
• Hide information.
• Easily access required information by clicking the
Creating Tabbed Canvas.
Create canvas and select canvas type as
Tab from property palette.
- Set the Canvas Type property to Tab. Additionally, set the canvas properties according to your requirements.
Tab pages for Tab Canvas
Select tab canvas in Object Navigator, create
new tab pages by selecting Creating Icon from toolbar. A tab page
displays in the Object Navigator, with a default name of PAGEXX
Change Tab Page Label Names to required names (N.V:
Tab Canvas PropertyLabel
Displaying Items on Tabbed Canvas
Select Data block items from Object Navigator and
change the selected item canvas property to Tab Canvas, Then select
Tab page accordingly to requirement.
Select all the EMP Fields and create a layout for
Create a Tab Canvas
in the Layout Editor
- In the Object Navigator, double-click the object icon for the content canvas on which you want to create a tab canvas. The Layout Editor displays.
- Click the Tab Canvas tool in the toolbar.
- Click and drag the mouse in the canvas where you want to position the tab canvas.
- Form Builder creates a tab canvas with two tab pages by default.
- Open the Property Palette of the tab canvas. Set the canvas properties according to your requirements.
Displaying Tab
Canvases in the Layout Editor
You can display a Tab canvas as it sits over the content
canvas in the Layout Editor. Check the display position of Tab
canvases by doing the following:
- Select View—>Stacked Views in the Layout Editor.
- The Stacked/Tab Canvases dialog box is displayed, with a list of all the stacked canvases assigned to the same window as the current content canvas.
- Select the Tab canvases you want to display in the Layout Editor.
Note: [Control] + Click to clear a Tab canvas that
was previously selected.
you can see the tab canvas on the content canvas.
To set the location where to display the Tab canvas on
the content canvas, Adjust the X and Y co-ordinate property of the
Tab canvas or simply drag the Tab canvas to the desired location.
4Implementing Master Detail Form
4.1Master / Detail Relationships
A master-detail relationship is an association between
two base table blocks:
- A master block
- A detail block.
It reflects a primary key to foreign key relationship
between the tables on which the blocks are based.
- The master-detail relationship automatically does the following:
- Ensures that the detail block displays only those records that are associated with the current (master) record in the master block
- Coordinates querying between the two blocks
- The master block is related to the detail block through the join condition.
- The join condition establishes the primary key item(s) in the master block and the foreign key item(s) in the detail block:
e.g.. deptblk.deptno =
- You can define a master-detail relationship at any time during the form development process. You define a master-detail relationship between blocks by creating and setting the properties of a relation object.
- A relation is a logical object that specifies the relationship between one master block and one corresponding detail block. In the Object Navigator, the relation object appears under the block that is the master block in the relation.
- When you create a relation, Oracle Forms generates the triggers and PL/SQL procedures required to enforce coordination between the master and detail blocks. The actual code that Oracle Forms generates depends on how the properties of the relation are set. .
Master/Detail Relation
- There are two ways to create a relation in Oracle Forms:
- Create the relation in the New Block window at the same time you create the detail block for that relation.
- In the Object Navigator, insert a relation object under the relations node for the appropriate master block.
- Once you create a relation between two blocks, you can change its properties at any time. When you change the Master Deletes or Coordination properties of an existing relation, Oracle Forms adds, removes, or edits triggers as required
Setting properties that effect
- Master Deletes
- Coordination
- Prevent Master-less Operation
- When you create a relation, you need to decide how Oracle Forms should manage coordination between the master and detail blocks.
Specifically, you need to answer the following
- Should operators be able to delete a master record if there are associated detail records present?
- If operators can delete a master record, should Oracle Forms delete the associated detail records also?
- If an operator makes a new record in the master block the current record, should Oracle Forms fetch the associated detail records immediately, or wait until the operator navigates to the detail block?
Deletes Properties:
- Non-Isolated
- Isolated
- Cascading
- Immediate
- Deferred with Auto-Query
- Deferred with No Auto-query
Deletes Properties:
Non-Isolated: The default setting.
Prevents the deletion of a master record if associated detail records
exist in the database.
Isolated: Allows the master record to be
deleted and does not affect the associated detail records in the
Cascading: Allows the master record to be
deleted and automatically deletes any associated detail records from
the base table at commit time. When relations are nested to several
levels, only records in the immediate detail block are deleted.
Immediate: (Deferred False, Auto-Query
False) The default setting. When a coordination-causing event
occurs, the detail records are fetched immediately.
Deferred with Auto-Query: (Deferred True,
Auto-Query True)When a coordination-causing event occurs, Oracle
Forms defers fetching the associated detail records until the
operator navigates to the detail block.
Deferred with No Auto-query: (Deferred
True, Auto-Query False) When a coordination-causing event occurs,
Oracle Forms does not automatically fetch the detail records. To
fetch the detail records, the operator must navigate to the detail
block and explicitly execute a query.
Detail Triggers
Detail Triggers
Fires when a coordination-causing
event occurs in a block that is a master block in a Master/Detail
relation. A coordination-causing event is any event that makes a
different record the current record in the master block.
Forms Developer creates this
trigger automatically when a Master/Detail relation is defined. It
fires when Forms Developer would normally need to populate the detail
block in a Master/Detail relation
Forms Developer creates this
trigger automatically when you define a master/detail relation and
set the Delete Record Behavior property to Non-Isolated. It fires
when there is an attempt to delete a record in the master block of a
master/detail relation
5Implementing DML Operations
Simple View/ Single table based form default
will allow all DML operations,if we are using complex views, then we
required manually enable DML operations on form.
Enabling DML Operations on Complex Views
- Create Block Level ON-LOCK trigger, it will lock the record when we do update, use NULL if you don’t have specific locking mechanism.
- Create/enable block level triggers PRE-INSERT, PRE-UPDATE and PRE_DELETE, These triggers will update the WHO COLUMNS in the table.
- Create WHO column in the complex view block as Non Data Base Items, WHO columns are CREATED_BY,CREATION_DATE,LAST_UPDATE_DATE, LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN and LAST_UPDATE_BY
- Populate information in WHO columns use API APP_STANDARD.SET_WHO in block level triggers PRE-INSERT, PRE-UPDATE and PRE-DELETE.
- Create BLOCK Level triggers ON-INSERT, ON-UPDATE and ON-DELETE.
- Write Package/Procedures in Program Unit for manually inserting/update BLOCK Level items information in the DB tables.
- Call program unit written procedure from ON-INSERT, ON-UPDATE and ON-DELETE.
Set Sub Class Information as Text-Items and select
EMPNO should be a database
item. Primary Key property should be ‘Yes’, Insert Allowed
should be ‘NO’ and Update Allowed should be ‘No’.
Select the Triggers node under
the EMP_DEPT data-block click Create
the PL/SQL Editor, enter the following code, then click Compile:
In the PL/SQL Editor, enter the following code, then
click Compile:
In the PL/SQL Editor, enter the following code, then
click Compile:
In the PL/SQL Editor, enter the following code, then
click Compile:
In the PL/SQL Editor, enter the following code, then
click Compile:
Program Unit:
- Create Package Spec:
- Select the Program Unit node under the DML_OPERATIONS form,
click Create
and Enter New Program Unit Name and select package Spec.
- In the PL/SQL Editor, enter the following code, then click Compile:
procedure insert_into_emp ;
procedure insert_into_dept;
- Create Package Body:
- Select the Program Unit node under the DML_OPERATIONS form,
- click Create
, and Enter New Program Unit Name and select package Body.
- In the PL/SQL Editor, enter the following code, then click Compile:
procedure insert_into_emp is
--v_empno number ;
select empno_s.nextval into
:emp_dept.empno from dual;
insert into emp
when others then
raise form_trigger_failure;
end insert_into_emp;
procedure insert_into_dept is
insert into dept(DEPTNO,
when others then
raise form_trigger_failure;
end insert_into_dept;
6Implementing QueryFind Behaviour In Forms
6.1Enabling query behavior
Oracle Applications
allows the Query Find behavior to be implemented in the forms. There
are two implementations for the Query Find, using Find windows and
using Row-Lov’s.
6.1.1Implementing Query Find window
The Query Find
window would be based on a result block, where the customization
demands the find window. The following steps would describe how to
implement the Query find window.
- Copy the QUERY_FIND object group from APPSTAND, please note that the object group has to copied and not referenced. The QUERY_FIND comes with a QF block, canvas and window.NOTE: The Query Find block has the following buttons FIND, NEW, CLEAR. The Find button has the pre-written code for Finding the records and similarly New and Clear Buttons.
- Rename the block, canvas and window to an appropriate name.
- Edit the WHEN-BUTTON-PRESSED trigger in the NEW button, mention the result block name in the APP_FIND.NEW call.
CHECK: The New button itself should be deleted if the block for which the query behavior required is a read-only block (The block does not allow the Insert operation).There might be certain customizations where the Find window does not require a NEW button also.
- Edit the WHEN-BUTTON-PRESSED trigger in the FIND button, mention the result block name in the APP_FIND.FIND call.
- Edit the KEY-NXTBLK trigger of the Find block, mention the result block name in the APP_FIND.FIND call.
- Modify the Block navigation properties of the Find block appropriately to the result block. Typically the previous navigation block would be the result block.
- Create the necessary items in the Find block and the respective Item level validations and the List of Values for the Items added.CHECK: The Items that have been created should not be database items and the required property must be set to NO.
- Code the PRE-QUERY trigger for the result block, the logic would be to copy the values from the Find block items to the result block items if the Find button is pressed. The parameter Q_query_find is checked against the value ‘TRUE’ (The parameter Q_query_find is set to the value ‘TRUE’ when the APP_FIND.QUERY_FIND call is made) and then the values are copied to the result block items.
E.g: IF :parameter.G_query_find = ’TRUE’ THEN
:parameter.G_query_find := ’FALSE’;
TIP: Use the std. QF call APP_FIND.QUERY_RANGE to query on a ranges of numbers, dates and characters.
- Create a user defined trigger QUERY_FIND in the results block, the trigger would have the QF call to find the
TIP: To enable the Query Find window to appear first when the form opens, call the trigger QUERY_FIND in the WHEN-NEW-BLOCK-INSTANCE trigger.E.g: execute_trigger (‘QUERY_FIND’ );
6.1.2Implementing ROW-LOV
implementation would also be based on the result block, the following
steps describe the same.
- Create a parameter to hold the value of the primary key of the result block.
E.g. create a
parameter P_PRIMARY_KEY in the form
- Create a LOV (E.g. MYROWLOV) for the identifying the desired record. The LOV should contain the description columns where the user would want to filter the records and the primary key field of the result block as a column.NOTE: The return value of the LOV should be the parameter created in the previous step.TIP: Enabling the long list in the LOV for the ROW-LOV is always recommended.
- Code a PRE-QUERY trigger in the result block, and copy the value of the parameter to the result blocks primary key item.
E.g: IF :parameter.G_query_find = ’TRUE’ THEN
:parameter.G_query_find := ’FALSE’;
- Create a user defined trigger EXECUTE_QUERY in the results block, code a call to the QF call.
7Coding Summary/Detail (Working with Multi Blocks Canvas) Windows
Most of the Oracle
Application forms would typically have a Query Find window which
results in a Summary block window and by selecting a record in the
Summary window, the user can navigate to the detailed window where
the user can see more information. The combination of Summary window
and the details window can be implemented in a single block, hence
the name combination block.
The following steps
would explain how to implement Combination block in the customized
- Open the Template form and make the necessary modifications in the Template form.
- Identify the Data entity (Table/View) which needs the Summary/Details window.
- Create two Windows and two canvases which would hold the Summary and the Detailed Items.
- Create the required items in the block. In this step there would certain items that would be displayed in the Summary window as well as the detailed window. Identify these items and create Mirror items for the same (Naming convention that is recommended is <item_name>_MIR). Set the Database item property for the Mirror items to Yes and also set the Synchronize with Item property to the item that is copied from.
- Set the number of items displayed property of the block to that of the desired number that needs to be displayed in the Summary window. For all the items that need to be displayed in the detailed window, set the items displayed to one.
- Set the navigational property of the Summary items and detailed items properly to the desired first item and the desired last item respectively.
- In the Last item of the summary block, code a KEY-NEXT-ITEM trigger and navigate to the next record by making a call to next_record built-in.
- In the First item of the summary block, code a KEY-PREV-ITEM trigger and navigate to the first record by making a call to APP_COMBO.KEY_PREV_ITEM standard procedure call.
- Create a parameter called <block_name>_RECORD_COUNT in the form. The data type of the parameter must be number and the default value of the parameter must be 2 if the summary window is to be displayed first or 1 if the detailed window is to be displayed first.
- Create a WHEN-NEW-ITEM-INSTANCE trigger in the block level and add the following code in the trigger.
- Create a Switcher Item with the name as SWITCHER in the block and assign a property class called SWITCHER and place the same at the TOOLBAR canvas. And also this item must be the last item in the block and X position and Y position must be 0. Create a WNII trigger for the switcher item and add the following code in the same.
(name_in(‘PARAMETER.<block_name>_RECORD_COUNT’) > 1)
(‘<first item of summary window>’);
( ‘<detailed window>’,
(‘first item of detailed window’);
- Create a SUMMARY_DETAIL trigger at the combination block with the following piece of the code.
> 1
name>_RECORD_COUNT := 1;
name>_RECORD_COUNT := 2;
- Add a Drill down indicator (Sub class: DRILLDOWN_RECORD_INDICATOR) in the combination block and in the WNII trigger code the following piece of code.
- Add a PRE-BLOCK trigger in the block and in the trigger enable the menu ‘SUMMARY_DETAIL’ using the APP_SPECIAL.ENABLE standard call. Similarly disable the menu in the POST-BLOCK trigger of the block.
8Table and Column Registration
Custom application tables are registered using a PL/SQL
routine in the AD_DD package.
Flexfields and Oracle Alert are the only features or
products that depend on this information.
Therefore tables (and all of their columns) that will be
used with flexfields or Oracle Alert are only needed to be
AD_DD API is used to delete the registrations of tables
and columns from Oracle Application Object
Library tables.
If the table is altered later, then revised or new calls
to the table registration routines are to be included.
To alter a registration first delete the registration,
then reregister the table or column. First delete the column
registration and then the table registration.
The AD_DD API does not check for the existence of the
registered table or column in the database schema, but only updates
the required AOL tables. No need to register views.
Procedures in the
AD_DD Package:
procedure register_table (p_appl_short_name in varchar2,
p_tab_name in varchar2,
p_tab_type in varchar2,
p_next_extent in number default 512,
p_pct_free in number default 10,
p_pct_used in number default 70);
procedure register_column (p_appl_short_name in
p_tab_name in varchar2,
p_col_name in varchar2,
p_col_seq in number,
p_col_type in varchar2,
p_col_width in number,
p_nullable in varchar2,
p_translate in varchar2,
p_precision in number default null,
p_scale in number default null);
procedure delete_table (p_appl_short_name in varchar2,
p_tab_name in varchar2);
procedure delete_column (p_appl_short_name in varchar2,
p_tab_name in varchar2,
p_col_name in varchar2);
p_appl_short_name: The application short name of
the application that owns the
table (usually
your custom application).
p_tab_name: The name of the table (in uppercase
p_tab_type: There are four types of table types
- Transaction Data – almost all application tables
- Seed Data – used only by Oracle Applications products like FND tables
- Interim – They are the temporary tables, which are used for validation
- Special Flex field data
Use ’T’ if it is a transaction table (almost
all application tables), or ’S’ for a”seed data” table
(used only by Oracle Applications
products like FND tables).
p_pct_free: The percentage of space in each of
the table’s blocks reserved for future updates to the table
(1–99). The sum of p_pct_free and
p_pct_used must be less than 100.
p_pct_used: Minimum percentage of used space in
each datablock of the table (1–99). The sum of p_pct_free
and p_pct_used must be less than
p_col_name: The name of the column (in uppercase
p_col_seq: The sequence number of the column in
the table (the order in which the column
appears in the table definition).
p_col_type: The column type (‘NUMBER’,
’VARCHAR2’,’DATE’, etc.).
p_col_width: The column size (a number). Use 9
for DATE columns, 38 for NUMBER columns
(Unless it has a specific width).
p_nullable: Use ’N’ if the column is
mandatory or ’Y’ if the column allows null values.
p_translate: Use ’Y’ if the column values
will be translated for an Oracle Applications product release (used
by Oracle Applications products)
or ’N’ if the values are not translated (most application
p_next_extent: The next extent size, in
kilobytes. Do not include the ’K’.
p_precision: The total number of digits in a
p_scale: The number of digits to the right of the
decimal point in a number.
Example :
Registering the table emp_ps to custom application
After running the above steps, it should be committed.
These details will be saved in FND_TABLES and
In the front end, these details will be seen in
Application Developer Responsibility
Application Database
Query the form with Table name. Here it is EMP_PS.
Details of the registered table and registered columns will be seen
9Flex fields
A Flexfield is a
field made up of segments. The end user can use the segments to store
the required values in the segments and name the segments according
to his/her need. The following sections would not cover the vastness
of the topic, but the basic aim of these sections is to help the
Developer customize a DFF or KFF in the custom form.
more concepts and usage of Flexfields please refer to the Oracle
Applications Developers Guide and
the Oracle Applications
Flexfield user guides.
9.1Benefits of Flex fields
- Flex fields provide you with the features you need to satisfy the following business needs:
- Customize your applications to conform to your current business practice for accounting codes, product codes, and other codes.
- Customize your applications to capture data that would not otherwise be tracked by your application.
- Have ”intelligent fields” that are fields comprised of one or more segments, where each segment has both a value and a meaning.
- Rely upon your application to validate the values and the combination of values that you enter in intelligent fields.
- Have the structure of an intelligent field change depending on data in your form or application data.
- Customize data fields to your meet your business needs without programming
9.1.1Attaching a DFF to Oracle Application forms
A descriptive flexfield or shortly DFF is a flexfield
that is used an “expansion space” in the customized form. The
objective of this section is to aid the Oracle Application developer
to add a DFF to the form.
The following steps would describe the steps that need
to be followed.
- Identify the customization where a DFF is needed for future needs. Also identify the underlying table/view upon which the customization is based on.CHECK: The table/view where the DFF would be placed should have the 15 ATTRIBUTE columns and an ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY column.TIP: The ATTRIBUTE columns form the segments of the DFF and the ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY would be the reference column for the form.TIP: The DFF segments and the reference column can be named other than ATTRIBUTE and ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY also.
- Register the table using the AD_DD.REGISTER_TABLE and AD_DD.REGISTER_COLUMN table registration API’s.NOTE: A table registration generation procedure is provided in the APPENDIX B.NOTE: It is recommended that even if the form is based on a View, the main table of the view is registered in AOL.
- Register the flexfield using the Flexfield registration window (Oracle Applications Application Developer Flexfields Register). In the form, enter the Application name, Name and Title of the DFF, Table application where the table is registered and the table name. In the Structure column field select the ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY column. Also in the Columns window ensure that all the DFF segments are enabled for the DFF.
- Code the DFF in the form. Create the hidden fields (DFF segments) in the block. Set the query field size to 255 for the hidden fields.CHECK: Ensure the Item/block handlers like ON-UPDATE triggers also handle the newly created items.
- Create the displayed field with the query length as 2000 and place it at the canvas at the required position. Also attach the ENABLE_LIST_LAMP LOV for the field.
- In the WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE trigger call the Flexfield definition procedure. The sample call is given below.
- Invoke the standard flexfield calls in the form. The following table provides all the calls that need to be coded in the form.Trigger LevelTriggerStandard procedure callsFormPRE-QUERYFnd_flex.event(‘PRE-QUERY’);FormPOST-QUERYFnd_flex.event(‘POST-QUERY’);FormPRE- INSERTFnd_flex.event(‘PRE-INSERT’);FormPRE-UPDATEFnd_flex.event(‘PRE-UPDATE’);FormWHEN-VALIDATE-RECORDFnd_flex.event(‘WHEN-VALIDATE-RECORD’);FormWHEN-NEW-ITEM-INSTANCEFnd_flex.event(‘WHEN-NEW-ITEM-INSTANCE’);FormWHEN-VALIDATE-ITEMFnd_flex.event(‘WHEN-VALIDATE-ITEM’);
- The Oracle Application developer or the End user is free to define any new flexfield in the form. The navigation path is: Oracle Applications Application Developer Flexfields Segments. Please refer the developers guide or the Flexfields guide for further information.
9.2What is Key Flex Field? (KFF)
A field that business can use to store information
represented as ‘Codes’. It serves as an intelligent primary key,
where each segment contains meaningful information
9.2.1When to use a KFF
- Used to uniquely identify an application entity with an intelligent key, where the key can be multipart and each part can have some meaning.
- Use KFF that Oracle Applications provides to integrate your applications seamlessly with Oracle Applications.
9.2.2Referencing a KFF to Oracle Application forms
A key flexfield or shortly KFF is a flexfield that is
used an “expansion space” in the customized form. The objective
of this section is to aid the Oracle Application developer to add a
KFF to the form.
The following steps would describe the steps that need
to be followed.
- Create the hidden fields (ID Segment field) in the block. Set the query field size to 2000 for the hidden field (ID Segment field).
- Create the displayed field with the query length as 2000 and place it at the canvas at the required position. Also attach the ENABLE_LIST_LAMP LOV for the field. Set the Validate from LOV property for the item as No.
- In the WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE trigger call the Flexfield definition procedure. The sample call is given below.
- Invoke the standard flexfield calls in the form. The following table provides all the calls that need to be coded in the form.
Trigger LevelTriggerStandard procedure callsFormPRE-QUERYFnd_flex.event(‘PRE-QUERY’);FormPOST-QUERYFnd_flex.event(‘POST-QUERY’);FormPRE- INSERTFnd_flex.event(‘PRE-INSERT’);FormPRE-UPDATEFnd_flex.event(‘PRE-UPDATE’);FormWHEN-VALIDATE-RECORDFnd_flex.event(‘WHEN-VALIDATE-RECORD’);FormWHEN-NEW-ITEM-INSTANCEFnd_flex.event(‘WHEN-NEW-ITEM-INSTANCE’);FormWHEN-VALIDATE-ITEMFnd_flex.event(‘WHEN-VALIDATE-ITEM’);
Examples of KFF
Scenario to Implement Key Flex Field:
Suppose there is a requirement to capture Locations
(Country, State, City and Street) details for all the employees as
shown in the following screen
Steps to Implement Location Key Flex Field in
1. Create the following table through which we are going
to create the flex field.
Null? Type
-------- ---------------------
2. Register the table using the AD_DD.Register_Table
3. Register the column of the
table using the AD_DD.Register_Column
4. Fire a commit statement after Table/Column
5 Using TEMPLATE.fmb, design the form with the Data
Block as shown
in the following screen shot

in the following screen shot
Here CCID is a reference field between custom
(your) table and flex field table.
KFF (Non-Database Item) is a field to which you
want to display the generated Key Flex Field value
DESCR (Non-Database Item) is a field to display
the detailed description of the Flex Field values stored in KFF item.
6. Define the corresponding flexfield in the
WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE trigger of your form as shown
Fnd_Key_Flex.Define(Block => 'EMP_DFF',
Field => 'KFF',
ID => 'CCID',
Appl_Short_Name => 'OFA',
Code => 'LOC#',
Num =>101);
Application_Short_Name can be found using the Application Developer Responsibility ApplicationRegister
Fnd_Key_Flex.Define(Block => 'EMP_DFF',
Field => 'KFF',
ID => 'CCID',
Appl_Short_Name => 'OFA',
Code => 'LOC#',
Num =>101);
Application_Short_Name can be found using the Application Developer Responsibility ApplicationRegister
Code can be found using the Application Developer
->Flex FieldKey
Go to Help
DiagnosticsExamine will open the
form as shown in the following screen shot
Num can be found using the Application Developer
->Flex FieldKey
Go to Help
DiagnosticsExamine will open the
form as shown in the following screen shot
Open Segments form using the Application Developer
->Flex FieldKey
7. Invoke Flex Field Functionality by adding
following 7 Triggers at Block Level.
8. Register and Run your form.
10Enabling the Folders feature in Oracle Applications Forms
Customizing forms with folder feature or Folder forms as
it is called provides the end user to “customize” the fields at a
desired position and at desired width. To enable this feature the
Oracle Application developer needs to follow these steps
- Customize the form from the TEMPLATE file and create the required windows and canvases.NOTE: Only the items (fields) placed in a stacked canvas can be ‘movable’, hence place all such items in a stacked canvas.
- Attach the library APPFLDR.pll to customization, while attaching the Forms builder would ask whether to remove a non-portable directory for the form library, select yes.
- Also open the APPSTAND.fmb in the forms builder along with the file and make a reference to the STANDARD_FOLDER object group available in the APPSTAND form. (Drag and drop the STANDARD_FOLDER object group from the APPSTAND.fmb to customized form’s object group).NOTE: In this step just reference the object group, do not copy. (i.e. in the Popup select reference and do not select copy).
- Identify the block that needs to be folder enabled (say CUSTOM_BLOCK). Make necessary changes in the layout.CHECK: No headings “Prompts” are required for the columns.
- Create a “Prompt” block (say CUSTOM_BLOCK_PROMPT) to hold the column headings and the standard folder items and add the following standard items in the Prompt block.FieldClassNoteFOLDER_OPENFOLDER_OPENTo be placed on the left top corner of the content canvasFOLDER_TITLEDYNAMIC_TITLETo be placed on the left top corner of the content canvas next to the item FOLDER_OPENFOLDER_DUMMYFOLDER_DUMMY-ORDER_BY1FOLDER_ORDERBYPlace beneath all fields in the content canvasORDER_BY2FOLDER_ORDERBYPlace beneath all fields in the stacked canvas
- Add all Prompt fields 'to be displayed' in the Prompt blockTIP: The developer can copy and paste the fields from the main block to Prompt block and change the class property of all these fields to “DYNAMIC_PROMPT”.CHECK: For each Prompt field set the Initial value properties to the default column heading required for the corresponding field.
- Add the following code in the triggers in form as shown in the table.
Trigger TypeTrigger NameCodeForm LevelFOLDER_ACTIONapp_folder.event (:global.folder_action);Form LevelFOLDER_RETURN_ACTIONIF (:global.folder_action= 'SHOW-FIELD')THENapp_item_property.set_property('<block_name>' || '.' ||NAME_IN('GLOBAL.FOLDER_FIELD'),ALTERABLE,PROPERTY_ON );END IF;Form LevelWHEN-NEW-FORM_INSTANCEapp_folder.define_folder_block ('<FOLDER_OBJECT_NAME>','<F_BLOCK>', -- folder block'<P_BLOCK>, -- prompt block'<STACKED_CANVAS>','<FOLDER_WINDOW>');app_folder.event('WHEN-NEW-BLOCK-INSTANCE');Block Level Of MY_BLOCKPRE-QUERYApp_folder.event('PRE-QUERY');Block Level Of MY_BLOCKKEY-NEXT-ITEMApp_folder.event('KEY-NEXT-ITEM');Block Level Of MY_BLOCKKEY-EXEQRYApp_folder.event('KEY-EXEQRY');Block Level Of MY_BLOCKWHEN-NEW-BLOCK-INSTANCE'app_folder.event('WHEN-NEW-BLOCK-INSTANCE');Block Level Of MY_BLOCKKEY-PREV-ITEMApp_folder.event('KEY-PREV-ITEM');Block Level Of MY_BLOCKPOST-BLOCKApp_folder.event('POST-BLOCK');Block Level Of MY_BLOCKPRE-BLOCKApp_folder.event('PRE-BLOCK');
- There is a trigger called FOLDER_RETURN_ACTION in the template form. The Oracle application developer and the Oracle application designer can code their custom code in the trigger based on the actions done by the End user who uses the Customized form. The following actions are supported in folder form.
TIP: The folder items can be verified using the call “APP_FOLDER.EVENT(‘VERIFY’)”, essentially this verifies the fields of the Folder block and the prompt block are properly placed in the layout.TIP: The Oracle Application developer can disable the some folder functionality like Hide field, show field etc. This can be done by passing the disabled functions argument in the callapp_folder.define_folder_block(object_name ,folder_block_name ,prompt_block_name ,folder_canvas_name ,folder_window_name ,<disabled_functions> ,tab_canvas_name ,fixed_canvas_name);
11Using the Attachment feature of Oracle Applications
The attachments feature enables users to link
unstructured data, such as images, word processing documents,
spreadsheets, or text to their application data. The following steps
would help the developers to enable the attachments for the entities,
so that the end users can attach the documents to the entities.
The attachments can be enabled at form level and form
functions level. If the attachments were enabled at form level and
the form function level, the form function attachments would override
since the form function level is the lowest level. Please refer to
Oracle Applications Developers guide for more details.
The attachments can be implemented in the following two
- Defining a new attachment to a new custom form.
- Add an existing attachment of a standard form to the “custom/standard” form.
- Defining a new attachment to a new custom form.
The following three steps would help the developers to
define an attachment to a new custom form.
- Define your document entities using the Document Entities window
- Define your document categories using the Document Categories window
- Define your attachment functions using the Attachment Functions window
The following section would be more legible when
explained with an example. A simple example would be attaching a note
(A short text file) to the custom form CUSTFORM which
is registered in the custom application MYAPPLICATION. The
primary key of the table on which the CUSTFORM is based is
PRIMKEY, the block where the field PRIMKEY is present
- Define document entities
- Navigate to the Document entities window (Navigational path: Oracle Applications → Responsibility: Application Developer→ Attachments →Document Entities) and define the entities in the document entities block.
- Enter the Table name, a unique Entity name and Entity Id, an entity prompt and the application where the table is registered.
NOTE: The table is where the entity is stored and a primary key should always identify the entity record.
E.g: Enter the Table name, Entity name, Entity Id,
Prompt and application as CUSTFORM, Custom Form Attachment Demo,
- Define document categories
- Navigate to the Document categories window (Navigational path: Oracle Applications → Responsibility: Application Developer→ Attachments →Document Categories) and define the categories with the default data type in the document categories block.
E.g: Define the category as Attachment Demo – Short
File, with the data type as “Short Text”.
- The assignments button would lead to the forms and functions that are enabled to the category, enable the new category to the ‘Form’ ‘CUSTFORM’.TIP: Alternatively the categories attached to the form can be defined in the “Attachment Functions” form. Please refer the next step for the same.
- Define attachment functions
- Navigate to the Document categories window (Navigational path: Oracle Applications → Responsibility: Application Developer→ Attachments →Attachment Functions) to define the attachments.
- Enter the Type, Name, a User name and the Session Context in the Attachment Functions window.
E.g: Enter the Type, Name and the User name as Form,
CUSTFORM and Attachment Demo – Custom Form.
- Define the blocks in the custom form by navigating to the Block Declarations window. Key in the block name and the method of the attachment implementation. There are methods currently used, viz. Allow Control, Query Only.
E.g: Enter the Block name as CUSTBLOCK and the
method as ‘Allow Control’.
- Choose Organization, Set of Books, Business Unit, or None, depending on how the form and its data (attached documents) are secured. Typically this feature is used for security of the documents attached. Specifying an Organization or SOB or a BU for the documents would secure the attachments for the corresponding Organization or SOB or BU.
- The context fields are used to display the Window Title of the attachment window. Typically the context field values are derived from the calling form with the syntax of block_name.field_name. If more than one context field is mentioned, the window title would be the first field value and the second field value separated by comma.
E.g: Enter one of the fields “NAMEFIELD” of
the form CUSTFORM as the context field for the attachment. The
another field in the form.
- Enter the entities for the attachment in the Entities Declaration window by navigating to the same. The Entities Declaration window has the Entities, Display method which has two options Main window and the related window. Select any one of the options.
- Select the privileges that are required to for the block that can be anything like Insert, Update, and Delete etc.
- In the Primary key fields tab, provide the primary field. I.e. CUSTBLOCK.NAMEFIELD.
- Add an existing attachment of a standard form to the “custom/standard” form
- Navigate to the Document categories window (Navigational path: Oracle Applications → Responsibility: Application Developer→ Attachments →Attachment Functions) to define the attachments.
- Query for the Type, Name, a User name and the Session Context in the Attachment Functions window.
- Query the blocks for the standard form by navigating to the Block Declarations window. Query the block name and the method of the attachment implementation.
- Choose Organization, Set of Books, Business Unit, or None, depending on how the form and its data (attached documents) are secured. Typically this feature is used for security of the documents attached. Specifying an Organization or SOB or a BU for the documents would secure the attachments for the corresponding Organization or SOB or BU.
- The context fields are used to display the Window Title of the attachment window. Typically the context field values are derived from the calling form with the syntax of block_name.field_name. If more than one context field is mentioned, the window title would be the first field value and the second field value separated by comma.
- Enter the entities for the attachment in the Entities Declaration window by navigating to the same. The Entities Declaration window has the Entities, Display method which has two options Main window and the related window. Select any one of the options.
- Select the privileges that are required to for the block that can be anything like Insert, Update, and Delete etc.
- In the Primary key fields tab, provide the primary field.
12Using the basic features of Oracle Applications features
12.1Special Menus
The special menus in
Oracle Applications are used for performing some special tasks. The
special menus that appear in the Tools option of the Toolbar of the
Oracle Applications can be used either at Form level, Block level or
the individual item level. These are the basic steps to use the
special menus
NOTE: The Oracle Application developer can use up to 45 Special Menus in Oracle Applications; the first 15 special menus (SPECIAL1 to SPECIAL15) will be available under tools menu. For using the other special menus (SPECIAL16 to SPECIAL45) please refer the step 5.NOTE: To use checkboxes in the special menus please refer to step 6.
- In the PRE-FORM trigger, call the INSTANTIATE standard call to enable the special menu and to assign a label to the special menu.
('SPECIALn', '&My Special Menu');
where in the first
argument ‘n’ in the SPECIALn has ranges from 1 to 45 and the
second argument is the label of the special menu.
TIP: Using a ‘&’ (ampersand) character in the second argument (hint) will enable the shortcut keys for the form.
- Write a user defined trigger named SPECIALn at the form level and code the corresponding logic behind the usage of the special menu.
- Enable the special menu by using the APP_SPECIAL.ENABLE call at the any level.
E.g.: At the
PRE-BLOCK trigger of the corresponding block where the special menu
is going to work, call the enable procedure.
- Disable the special menu by using the APP_SPECIAL.DISABLE.
E.g.: At the
POST-BLOCK trigger of the corresponding block where the special menu
is going to work, call the disable procedure.
- For using the menus 16 to 45 we have to enable the SPECIAL_B and SPECIAL_C menus (actually it is the Toolbar Items) before we call the instantiate call for the special menus 16 to 45. Use the following call to do the same
('SPECIAL_B', 'My Action Menu');
('SPECIAL_C', 'My Report Menu');
NOTE: The SPECIAL_B and the SPECIAL_C menus appear on the Tool bar of Oracle Applications window.TIP: Use of APP_SPECIAL.ENABLE(‘SPECIAL_X’, PROPERTY_ON) or APP_SPECIAL.ENABLE(‘SPECIAL_X’, PROPERTY_OFF) would enable/disable the whole menu under SPECIAL_X tool bar item.
- For using the checkbox in the special menus, call the instantiate procedure with the SPECIALn menu suffixed with ‘_CHECKBOX’.
NOTE: Use the call APP_SPECIAL.SET_CHECKBOX (‘SPECIALn_CHECKBOX’, ‘TRUE’) or APP_SPECIAL. SET_CHECKBOX (‘SPECIALn_CHECKBOX’, ‘FALSE’) to set the value of the checkbox to checked or unchecked.NOTE: Use the call APP_SPECIAL.GET_CHECKBOX (‘SPECIALn_CHECKBOX’) to get the value of the checkbox, the call returns a Boolean value.
12.2Popup Menus
With the
introduction of popup menus (right click menus) in Oracle Forms 6,
subsequently the feature was also incorporated in Oracle Applications
11i. The following steps would describe how to use the features of
popup menus.
NOTE: To add a submenu under the popup menus, make appropriate changes in the popup menu POPUP menu, which comes along with the TEMPLATE.fmb
- In the PRE-POPUP-MENU trigger of the Item, instantiate the popup menu using the APP_POPUP.INSTANTIATE call.
NOTE: Up to 15 popup menus for Oracle Applications can be customized.
- Write an Item level trigger POPUPn and code the appropriate handler logic for the popup menu.
12.3Coding the Calendar
The Calendar is a form object that allows the user to
select the date and time values from a Calendar. Some special
validation rules ensuring that only valid dates can be selected can
also be coded.
The following tables shows the standard calendar
procedures that can are used extensively.
S. NoCalendar CallsDescriptionCALENDAR.SHOW(<first_date>)The Calendar can be invoked by the call.CALENDAR.SETUPDisables the Dates in the calendarCALENDAR.EVENTThe calendar event procedure, this is used internally by the Calendar procedures.
There are various
needs to disable the dates of the calendar, so that the user doesn’t
select certain dates. This is achieved by the SETUP calendar
procedure. Given below are certain examples of the SETUP standard
- Start date and End date validation:
There are 2 fields
Start date and End date in the form and the user cannot select a
start date more than the End date and vice versa. The following code
would enable the Developer to achieve that.
trigger of the Start date, code the following call followed by the call.
NVL( <block_name.end_date>, TO_DATE ('31-DEC-4712',
'DD-MON-YYYY')), TO_DATE('31-DEC-4712', 'DD-MON-YYYY'));
trigger of the End date, code the following call followed by the call.
TO_DATE('01-JAN-0001', 'DD-MON-YYYY'), NVL( <block_name.start_date>,
TO_DATE('01-JAN-0001', 'DD-MON-YYYY')));
- Disable the weekends in the Calendar:
(‘WEEKEND’) to
suppress the Saturdays and the Sundays.
NOTE: The Weekend would disable only Saturdays and Sundays.TIP: To disable the other dates (for Eg. Fridays & Saturdays) use the SQL statement argument in the CALENDAR.SETUP standard call.
- Advanced Option in Calendar.Setup:
The developer can
use the SQL Statement in the CALENDAR.SETUP call & dynamically
the dates can be disabled.
NOTE: The SQL statement should select 2 date columns with alias as LOW_DATE and HIGH_DATE respectively. This is mandatory.
features in Calendar:
- Title:
developer can provide custom titles to the Calendar block. Use the
call calendar.setup('TITLE',NULL,NULL,'<custom title>') to
provide the title.
- Display Only calendar:
The developer can
display only the calendar depriving the select feature in the
calendar. Use the call calendar.setup ( ‘DISPLAY’) for the same.
- Display Time along with the calendar:
user may wish to select the date along with the timestamp. Use the
call calendar.setup('CHAR_DATETIME') before the call.
NOTE: If the Data type of date field in which the Calendar is attached is “Datetime” then automatically the Time part would be painted in the Calendar invoked.
13Using Multiple Form functions in Oracle Applications
Multiple form
functions are a very potential feature in Oracle Applications where
most of the customizations don’t completely utilize. Typical
examples would be disabling buttons/menus for certain
responsibilities/access rights for certain responsibilities etc. This
section may provide only couple of examples only but the Oracle
Applications designer and the developer is free to implement multiple
form functions features to the maximum creativity.
- Requirement: The Deletion property entry of the form is limited to certain responsibilities and not for all the responsibilities.
For this requirement we can create an additional form function and
assign this form function to the responsibilities who are allowed to
delete the records in the form. The following steps would explain how
to achieve the functionality.
- Create the custom form from the template form and customize the required blocks and windows.
- The default delete allowed property of the block (name of the block is say MYBLOCK) have to be set to No.
- Create a custom form function; say the name of the form function is MYFORM_DELETEALLOWED.
- In the PRE-FORM form level trigger of the form, add the following piece of code.
fnd_function.test (‘MYFORM_DELETEALLOWED’)
- Assign the MYFORM_DELETEALLOWED property to the responsibilities who can delete the records from the custom form.
- Requirement: There are certain special menus on the custom form that needs to be disabled for certain responsibilities.
For this requirement also we can create an additional form function
and assign this form function to the responsibilities who are allowed
access the menu. The following steps would explain how to achieve the
- Create the custom form from the template form and customize the required blocks and windows.
- Create a custom form function; say the name of the form function is MYFORM_MENU_DISABLED.
- In the PRE-FORM form level trigger of the form code, that enables the Special menu.
NOT fnd_function.test (‘MYFORM_MENU_DISABLED’)
- Assign the MYFORM_DELETEALLOWED property to the responsibilities that cannot access the special menu.
13.1Implementing Query only forms using Form functions
In most of the custom developments in Oracle
Applications forms where there is a data entry, the end user would
also prefer to have a view only form with the same layout and the
Query source. In this case the developer need not duplicate the form
& change the properties of the blocks in the form. The developer
can create a Form function with the parameter “QUERY_ONLY” with
the value passed as “Yes”.
The following steps explain how to implement the Query
only forms.
- Create a form function with the parameter as ‘QUERY_ONLY=“Yes”’.
- In the PRE-FORM of the form, disable the INSERT, UPDATE and the DELETE property of the blocks. Also disable any associated buttons and the menus.
The following example code is shows how to disable the
Properties of the block and the other associated items.
name_in ('PARAMETER.QUERY_ONLY') = 'Yes'
<Custom block name> Block
( '<Custom Block>',
('<Custom Block>',
('<Custom Block>',
Disable Items
('<control block>.<items>',
WARNING: The developer must ensure that all the Functions like Buttons/Menus and all the other navigational blocks must be disabled while coding the Query only forms.
14Using Zoom form feature in Oracle Applications
The Zoom form
feature adds another dimension while customizations, the user get
more flexibility of having/storing additional information other than
standard Oracle Applications provide. The Zoom forms are essentially
Extension forms over the standard Oracle forms, where the Oracle
Application designer can store additional information about the Data
Entity in focus in a customized extension table.
NOTE: The user can invoke the Zoom form from any Standard form from the menu option View Zoom.
There are some basic
steps in Implementation of the Zoom forms in Oracle Applications,
which are explained below.
- Develop the Zoom form from the Template form and customize the required form elements.CHECK: The extension table upon which the Zoom form is based should have a foreign key relationship with the primary key of the standard table.E.g: If we intend to have a ZOOM form on Items standard form, the extension table should have a foreign key viz. INVENTORY_ITEM_ID and ORGANIZATION_ID which are the primary keys of the table MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B.NOTE: Also note that in the customized Zoom form we need to create the parameters as same as the INVENTORY_ITEM_ID and ORGANIZATION_ID to capture the foreign keys.TIP: The Zoom form need not be always based on the Primary Key of the standard table. The Oracle Applications designer can customize based on the users requirement on other columns of the standard tables.
- Modify the default WHERE clause of the Zoom form block to use parameter values as query criteria if they are not null. The following example code is provided for the same.
(:parameter.<parameter column> IS NULL OR
form block>.<block column>
:parameter.<parameter column>)
- In the WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE trigger of the form, check whether the parameter is passed, if the parameter is passed Navigate to the Zoom form block and find all the records in the block by writing a EXECUTE_QUERY. The following example code is provided for the same.
name_in(‘parameter.<parameter column>’) IS NULL
form block>’);
- Compile the ZOOM form and register the zoom form and create a form function for the zoom form.
- Make modifications in CUSTOM.pll:
- In the ZOOM_AVAILABLE procedure of the CUSTOM package enable the ZOOM menu and the ZOOM button. The following code would explain the same.
(form_name = ‘<standard form>’
block_name = ‘<block name>’)
- In the EVENT procedure add the code to call the custom ZOOM function using the function call FND_FUNCTION.EXECUTE. The following code would explain the same.
event (event_name IN VARCHAR2)
(event_name = ‘ZOOM’)
(form_name = ‘<standard form>’
block_name = ‘<block name>’)
form function’,
- Compile the CUSTOM.pll and place the “PLX” file in AU_TOP/resource directory and restart the Oracle Applications session.
15Frequently used standard form calls
SummaryThis form call is used for handling the exceptions that are raised in the forms.DescriptionThe exception type, code and the exception text are passed as the parameters, when the exception is raised a popup modal window is raised.ArgumentsPROCEDURE app_exception.raise_exception(exception_type VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,exception_code NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,exception_text VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);ExampleBEGIN..code..EXCPETIONapp_exception.raise_exception(exception_type => ‘WHEN-VALIDATE-ITEM’,exception_code => ‘<exception_code>’,exception_text => fnd_message. get(‘<custom_message>’));END;
SummaryThis method can be used in the Item Handlers, where for an item we can have a dependent field based on certain conditions.DescriptionThe method call required the dependent field name and the mater field to be passed, with a Boolean condition to be validated.This can be called from Item handler events like WHEN–VALIDATE–ITEM, PRE–RECORD and POST–QUERY.ArgumentsPROCEDURE app_field.set_dependent_field(event VARCHAR2,master_field VARCHAR2,dependent_field VARCHAR2invalidate BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE);ExampleIF <condition>THENapp_field.set_dependent_field(event => ‘WHEN-VALIDATE-ITEM’,master_field => ‘<master_field>’,dependent_field => ‘<dependent_field>’);END IF;
SummaryThis event sets the property of an Item.DescriptionThe various properties that can be set to an item areALTERABLEALTERABLE_PLUSENTERABLEENTERABLE_PLUSENABLEDDISPLAYEDREQUIREDHINT_TEXTPROMPT_TEXTINSERT_ALLOWE,UPDATEABLENAVIGABLEICON_NAMEArgumentsPROCEDURE app_item_property.set_property(ITEM_NAME VARCHAR2,PROPERTY VARCHAR2,VALUE NUMBER);Exampleapp_item_property.set_property (item_name => ‘<item_name>’,property => ENABLED,value => PROPERTY_ON);
SummaryIf the form has any non-base table items and if we need to query based on that field, use this routine in PRE-QUERY trigger of the block.DescriptionAllow simple Query on foreign key non-database fields by calling the routine in the PRE-QUERY trigger.ArgumentsPROCEDURE app_query.query_foreign_key(block_name VARCHAR2,db_field VARCHAR2,non_db_field VARCHAR2,table_name VARCHAR2,id_column VARCHAR2,name_column VARCHAR2,extra_where_clause VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);Exampleapp_query.query_foreign_key(block_name => ‘<block_name>’,db_field => ‘<INVENTORY_ITEM_ID>’,non_db_field => ‘<ITEM NAME>’,table_name => ‘<ITEM TABLE>’,id_column => ‘<INVENTORY_ITEM_ID>’,
=> ‘<Item name of the block>’
SummaryThis routine has the standard Oracle Applications routine calls.DescriptionSome of standard events that are available to the routine are.
ArgumentsPROCEDURE app_standard.event (event_name VARCHAR2);Exampleapp_standard.event (‘WHEN-NEW-BLOCK-INSTANCE’);
SummarySynchronizes the Menu and Toolbar items.DescriptionDynamic changes to the form can affect which menu items apply, although the state of the menu items is not re–evaluated automatically.If you make a change that affects which items in the toolbar and menu can be used, call this routine, and it re–evaluates the menu and toolbar.Argumentsprocedure APP_STANDARD.SYNCHRONIZE;
SummaryThis routine is used in Master-Child blocks, where the relations of the blocks can be set at run time.DescriptionThe various relations that can be set at run time are IMMEDIATE and DEFERRED. For this purpose a check box (Control Item with values IMMEDIATE/ DEFERRED) have to be placed in the child window. Call this routine when the value of the checkbox changes & when the window is closed or the child window is opened.ArgumentsPROCEDURE app_window.set_coordination(event VARCHAR2,coordination VARCHAR2,relation_name VARCHAR2);Exampleapp_window.set_coordination(event => ‘WHEN-CHECKBOX-CHANGED’,coordination => ‘<value of the checkbox>’,relation_name => ‘<name of the relation>’);
SummarySets the Session information in the Window title.DescriptionThe window title would be appended with the session variable that is passed to routine.This can be called in any trigger.ArgumentsPROCEDURE app_window.set_title(window_name VARCHAR2,session VARCHAR2,instance1 VARCHAR2 DEFAULT’APP_ARGUMENT_NOT_PASSED’,instance2 VARCHAR2 DEFAULT’APP_ARGUMENT_NOT_PASSED’,instance3 VARCHAR2 DEFAULT’APP_ARGUMENT_NOT_PASSED’);Exampleapp_window.set_title(window_name => ‘<window name>’,session => ‘<session information>’,);
SummarySets the child window position relative to the parent window.DescriptionCode this trigger in the APP_CUSTOM trigger, when the windows of the customized form are called, use this routine to set the window positions relatively with a parent window.The various relations that are possible are
The first window of the form is to be set in the PRE-FORM trigger.ArgumentsPROCEDURE app_window.set_window_position(child VARCHAR2,rel VARCHAR2,parent VARCHAR2 DEFAULT null);Example
app_window.set_window_position(‘<child_window>’,‘<relations>’,‘<parent window>’);
SummaryThis function uses the normal default values to create a format mask.DescriptionIn Oracle application forms the format of the currency fields can be customized according to profile options set by the user.This can be extended to custom forms also. Call this function in the PRE-FORM trigger.This routine uses the following profiles to create the format mask:
ArgumentsFUNCTION fnd_currency.get_format_mask(currency_code IN VARCHAR2field_length IN NUMBER)RETURN VARCHAR2;Example
PRE-FORMAPP_ITEM_PROPERTY.SET_PROPERTY(’<field to be displayed>,FORMAT_MASK,fnd_currency.get_format_mask(currency_code => <currency code tobe displayed>field_length => <length of the field>));
SummaryThis routine can be used to call the registered form function from a customized form.DescriptionExecutes the specified form function. Only executes functions that have a form attached. Displays a message to the end user if the function is not accessible for that responsibility.Argumentsprocedure fnd_function.execute (function_name IN VARCHAR2,open_flag IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT ’Y’,session_flag IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT ’SESSION’,other_params IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,activate IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT ’ACTIVATE’,browser_target IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);ExampleIFFnd_function.execute(function_name => <function_name>,open_flag => ’Y’,session_flag => ’Y’,other_params => ’<param_list>’);
SummaryChecks whether the function exists or not.DescriptionFunction security is a one of the basic features of Oracle Applications. This can be extended to customized Oracle forms also, this particular function can be used for checking certain function exists for the responsibilities and the customized oracle application code can behave accordingly.ArgumentsFUNCTION fnd_function.test (Function_name IN VARCHAR2)RETURN BOOLEAN;Example
fnd_function.test (Function_name => ‘<function
SummaryThis routine is used for debugging purposes.DescriptionThe routine pops up the message strings that are passed as a parameter.ArgumentsPROCEDURE fnd_message.debug (value IN VARCHAR2);ExampleBEGIN...code...fnd_message.debug (‘debug message’);END;
SummaryThis routine is used for making the user select the Inventory organizations when the customized form is invoked.DescriptionCall this procedure in PRE–FORM to ensure the organization parameters are set. If the local form has no organization parameters passed, the global defaults are used.ArgumentsPROCEDURE fnd_org.choose_org(ALLOW_CANCEL IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT false);
SummaryThis sets the form basic information.DescriptionThis has to be called from the trigger WHEN-NEW-FORM-INSTANCE.ArgumentsPROCEDURE form_info(version VARCHAR2,title VARCHAR2,
application_short_name VARCHAR2,
date_last_modified VARCHAR2,
last_modified_by VARCHAR2);ExampleFND_STANDARD.FORM_INFO('$Revision: <form version>$','<form name>','<application short name>','$Date: <date time> $','$Author: XYZ $');
SummarySets the WHO columns like created by, last updated by columns.DescriptionUsageUsed in the PRE-UPDATE and PRE-INSERT triggers.Syntax is : FND_STANDARD.SET_WHOArgumentsNone
Appendix A: File attached to TEMPLATE form
- APPCORE2.pll
- CUSTOM.pll
- FNDSQF.pll
- FV.pll
- GHR.pll
- GLOBE.pll
- GMS.pll
- JA.pll
- JE.pll
- JL.pll
- OPM.pll
- PQH_GEN.pll
- PSAC.pll
Appendix B: Keywords
: Oracle Applications
Application Object Library
structure :
: Applications
Utilities top.
The directories in the local machine where the library files of forms
are kept.
Lot of details in single page. Very useful
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ReplyDeleteI need this as a document material, is this possible.